Couscous Chiken and Lamb

Couscous Chiken and Lamb


  • Eight pieces of chicken thighs.
  • Three hundred and sixty grams of cooked couscous. 
  • Four hundred grams of fresh lamb sausage. 
  • Seventy grams of soft butter. 2 onions, chopped.
  • Forty grams of crushed garlic. 
  • Salt, black pepper . 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder Teaspoon of turmeric. 
  • Five hundred milliliters of water. 
  • Fifty grams of canned chickpeas.
  • A piece of zucchini, cut into medium-sized pieces. 
  • Five tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. 
 How to prepare:
  • Heat the butter at the bottom of the steamed couscous, brown the onions and garlic with the hot butter and stir for a few minutes. 
  • Add the chicken to the onion and garlic mixture and mix well for several minutes, then add all the spices and mix well. 
  • Add five hundred milliliters of water, boil over low heat and cook for ten minutes. 
  • Add the zucchini, chickpeas, and sausages to the mixture and continue cooking until all the ingredients are tender and the sauce is softened. 
  • Add the couscous to the top of the casserole dish over the sauce. 
  • Combine the sauce and couscous in a large serving dish to make a red mixture and add a little olive oil.

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